

Interwiki table log

This is a log of changes to the interwiki table.



  • 09:58, 8 July 2011 Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) modified prefix "mediawikiwiki" ($1) (trans: 1; local: 1) in the interwiki table
  • 09:56, 8 July 2011 Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) modified prefix "mediawikiwiki" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table
  • 10:02, 7 July 2011 Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) modified prefix "wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 1; local: 1) in the interwiki table
  • 07:06, 19 June 2011 Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) modified prefix "hewikisource" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table
  • 07:05, 19 June 2011 Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) modified prefix "doi" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table