

To Do


Revision as of 08:17, 9 July 2011 by Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) (Any user tasks)

Use this page to add a list of tasks for admins or users.

Admin and/or developer only tasks

  1. Statistics table and/or calculation tool for exercises/examples (statistics: F, t, normal, χ²)
  1. Add norobots to htaccess
  2. Feature request: collect user books/rank by downloads
  3. fix the login/user table sync, including automatic redirects
  4. ensure that the user/account types sync, too (give admin or reviewer status to certain users--we have groups with different permissions)
  5. configure the review/versioning extension I installed (this will make official page *versions* for our purposes so that people are getting a stable/official release where additions have been approved by editor group)
  6. import definitions from wikipedia so we have glossary that will be custom for our needs (start with wikipedia text and revise as we wish)
  7. add forms/tools (like the create page that I made here: to make creating pages more user friendly
  8. make sure the underlying structure makes sense; help make decisions about whether to create separate namespaces for different texts/levels and/or use page name prefixes instead.
  9. Import other templates/tools/help pages from wikipedia to make it easy to add warnings/boxes to tops of pages (e.g., This is a stub... or this lacks documentation,.... or specific to OPOSSEM.... this lacks problem sets...)
  10. create/modify special pages that will make it easier for people to find stubs/'wanted pages' or other pages that need attention (need problem sets, etc) etc.
  11. create a nice front page for the wiki
  12. do the export to latex feature Phil wants, plus a prettier version of the pdf
  13. customize the book tool so that people can save copies of their custom book, and others can copy someone's book and then modify for their own version
  14. automate a page that collects all user 'books' and rank orders them by downloads/views
  15. create a page where editors can modify/post the official book versions/with correct/suggested page orders

Any user tasks

  1. Write OPOSSEM:Stylesheet, and other OPOSSEM specific help/documentation files, such as 'how to create a book' , 'how to create custome pages in a subpage of your user page to be included in your custom book'
  2. Clean Help files to make OPOSSEM specific (I imported from mediawiki/wiki and wikipedia
  3. Go through the sprint material and add boxes/warnings/things needed boxes to the tops of pages
  4. go through sprint material to put together initial suggested ordering of content
  5. add categories/tag pages with categories
  6. go through sprint material to either merge or divide pages/identify areas of duplication

Bug list