Revision as of 07:54, 22 February 2012 by Michelle Dion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page lists the proposed specifications for the development of the OPOSSEM wiki. =Wiki Objectives= =Wiki Content= =Wiki Requirements Features= ==Optimization and securit...")
This page lists the proposed specifications for the development of the OPOSSEM wiki.
Wiki Objectives
Wiki Content
Wiki Requirements Features
Optimization and security
The site must be optimized to minimize server calls and facilitate fast page loading. The site must be secure.
Single-sign-on (SSO)
The site must implement single-sign-on using cookies (not LDAP, not OpenID, not Shibboleth, etc.) with our existing Drupal site (opossem.org). Users will sign-on only through the Drupal site (opossem.org, master) and be redirected to the Wiki (wiki.opossem.org, slave). Users will not be allowed to modify their user name or password from within the wiki, and this function should be disabled in the wiki. Any changes must be made on the Drupal site and then propagated to the Wiki site in a true "sync." That is, changes to the user name, email, or password on the Drupal site must be updated to the Wiki.
User roles & permissions
User roles will be defined in the Drupal site and should be copied to the user table of the Wiki site, where they will inherit Wiki permissions defined below (or in the sections on the different features).
Whenever possible, customization to standard extensions should be minimized so that the site is easily maintained.